and Academics:
UP-ERG HTML seminar
(July 2000)
- A seminar given to the members of ERG about the basics of HTML.
Book Rental Project
(First sem. 2000)
- Book rental program open to UP ERG members. Books available are for EEE,
Eng'g & some GE courses. We are planning to open to people outside UP
ERG in the near future.
EEE 41 Tutorials
(July 2000)
- A problem-olving session held in preparation for the first long exam of
EEE 41 last month. UP-ERG is going to continue to hold reviews for EEE 41
this semester. Up to the last exam! We are also going to hold other review
sessions for the other subjects if the need arises.
ECE Quiz Show 2K
(Nov. 2000)
- One of the major events UP ERG is going to hold this year. The quiz show
is open to all ECE students of all NCR-based colleges and universities.
It is divided into the written (individual) competition and oral (team)

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